Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gland (Glohn)

Today will be a short post. Tara gets out of school early on Wednesday, so I spent my morning ironing, talking to friends, and running errands. I finally got shampoo and conditioner so I can stop using Barbara's, which is only shampoo and simply doesn't work when you have as much hair as I do. After my errands, I ran into Luke and we stopped at a restaurant to have a lemonade soda; it is an all natural drink, that tastes absolutely delicious. Then, Tara and I returned home to have a quick lunch, and rushed to catch the bus to Gland for her music lesson; she is taking a class in music theory on Wednesday. During her lesson, I got in some quality camera time and the pictures below are the result. As we waited for the bus to take us back to Begnins, Tara and I played "J'espionne avec mon petit oeil," or "I spy", which was very fun. Now, we are simply relaxing and waiting for Barbara to return home.

Hope everyone has a lovely Wednesday. :)

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